Get a home loan from jandhan is quick, less documentations, easy to process With financing and expert advice, you can get your own house. Whether you are employed or self-employed, you can get a home loan with attractive interest rates for the purchase of home,flat,rowhouse. less processing ,less documentation and perfect EMIs, make home loans the better choice for new or experienced home buyers.
We can also offer expert legal and technical counselling to make the home buying process that much easy. Own your dream home just get easy with jandhan Home, if you want to buy a home, land, flat or bungalow you can easy to apply for home loan with jandhan bank. the rate of interest form home loan From 6.50% onwards and flexible loan tenure with an easy Process.
Who Can Open ?
individuals jointly with other individuals
For minor individuals by guardian
Sole proprietary concerns
Clubs/Associations Firm
Any Other entities as permitted by RBI
How does home loan works?
Home loans help you with a lump-sum advance of fund towards buying your desired property, this amount will be repayable with interest. However you can re-pay the amount advanced via EMIs(equated monthly installments),thus enabling you to approach realizing your home dream in a convenient and structured way