Jan Dhan Bank Gold Loan is a one-stop answer for all your monetary requirements. You can benefit from a Gold Loan (or Jewel Loan) for business, horticulture, individual, crisis, or some other monetary prerequisite. With our straightforward documentation process, you can undoubtedly profit a credit against your gold gems and get an advance sum beginning from Rs 50,000, up to Rs 1 crore.
Jan Dhan Bank Gold Loan offers alluring financing costs and the total well-being of your adornments. You additionally don’t need to stress over month-to-month EMIs and can undoubtedly reimburse your advance toward the finish of the credit residency. Your gold is totally protected with us. Your Gold is protected in Vault in Strong Rooms of Jandhan Bank providing you with the dependable confirmation of complete straightforwardness and true serenity. Your Gold is esteemed in your presence, fixed, and guarded in Vault. At the point when you wish to return your Gold once again it will be rewarded you in the very same state as you submitted it in any case.
Loans are one of the easiest and fastest way to fulfil your personal or business requirements. Jan Dhan provide loan against gold with same day loan disbursement. You can apply for gold loan and get quick approvals by contacting us or by visiting our branch. With 0% of processing fees.
Jan Dhan Bank Gold Loans offer different advantages that make it a definitive answer for all your monetary requirements: 1. A/c Opening Form 2. Two Passport size Photo 3. Address Proof 4. Pan Card 5. Aadhar Card 6. Reference Person #the required Self Attested Copies of Pan Card / Driving Lincence / Electricity Bill / Telephone Bill