Do you want funds readily available to you whenever you desire or need, be it sudden urgent funds required for medical treatment or a vacation that you plan with your family? Then avail loan against Deposit without breaking your Deposit.
Features Of Loan Against Deposit
Avail Loan up to 85% of the value of your Time Deposit
Both Demand Loan and Overdraft Facility as per your need
Low interest rates. Further, we charge interest on a daily reducing balance!!
Zero processing charges.
No prepayment penalties.
Min mount of Loan (For Online Overdraft against Fixed Deposit) : Rs 5000
Max mount of Loan (For Online Overdraft against Fixed Deposit) : Rs 1 crore
Margin : Avail loan up to 85% of your Time Deposit value
Lien on underlying Time Deposit
TSecurity type of loan : Demand Loan& Overdraft
Processing fee : NII
Repayment Period : Suitable repayment schedule will be fixed depending upon the repayment capacity of the borrower for Loan taken. Maximum Repayment period has been capped at 5 years
Get access to liquid funds
Get emergency funds at attractive rate of interest